Homemade Dog Food Recipe With Chicken Thighs for Bernese Mountain Dogs

Homemade Dog Food Recipe with Chicken Thighs for Bernese Mountain Dogs

Welcome to our blog where we dive into the art of crafting specialized, wholesome meals for our canine companions. Today, we’re excited to spotlight a “Homemade Dog Food Recipe with Chicken Thighs for Bernese Mountain Dogs.” This majestic breed, known for its gentle nature and robust stature, requires a nutrient-rich diet that supports their size and energy levels. Our recipe is tailored to meet these needs, ensuring your Bernese Mountain Dog gets the best in home-prepared nutrition.

Bernese Mountain Dogs are active and large, often involved in various physical activities that require them to have a diet rich in proteins to support muscle repair and growth. Our recipe features chicken thighs as a primary protein source, providing high-quality, lean protein that’s crucial for maintaining their muscle health. Protein is especially important for large breeds like the Bernese Mountain Dog to help manage their weight and maintain lean muscle mass.

In addition to chicken thighs, this recipe includes a balanced mix of carbohydrates and fats. We’ve chosen sweet potatoes, peas, and carrots for their nutritional benefits—offering vitamins, minerals, and fiber to keep your dog’s energy levels stable and digestion regular. A dose of flaxseed oil adds essential fatty acids, promoting a shiny coat and healthy skin.

Creating homemade dog food allows you to control the quality of ingredients and tailor the diet to your dog’s specific needs, making it a rewarding approach for both you and your pet. This meal not only satisfies their nutritional requirements but also caters to tastes that Bernese Mountain Dogs love.

Stay tuned as we walk you through the recipe, providing step-by-step instructions to prepare this nourishing meal. Whether you are new to homemade dog food or an experienced pet chef, this blog post is designed to help you offer a diet that supports the well-being and happiness of your Bernese Mountain Dog.

Explore more about enhancing your dog’s diet with our free guide, “9 Super Foods For Superior Canine Health”. For additional details, click here to download and discover foods that can further boost your pet’s health.

Here’s a tailored homemade dog food recipe designed for Bernese Mountain Dogs, a breed known for their large size and high energy requirements. This recipe focuses on using chicken thighs and is formulated to follow the veterinarian-recommended macronutrient ratio of 60% protein, 20% carbs, and 20% fat by weight. Bernese Mountain Dogs are typically large, often weighing between 70-115 lbs, so this recipe is adjusted to suit their daily nutritional needs.

Chicken Thigh Stew for Bernese Mountain Dogs


  • 300g chicken thighs (boneless, skinless, cooked and finely chopped)
  • 50g sweet potatoes (cooked and mashed)
  • 50g peas (steamed)
  • 50g carrots (steamed and chopped)
  • 50g chicken liver (cooked and finely chopped)
  • 2 tablespoons of flaxseed oil


  1. Cook the chicken thighs and liver thoroughly until no pink remains. Finely chop both.
  2. Cook the sweet potatoes until tender, then mash.
  3. Steam the peas and carrots until soft, then chop the carrots.
  4. In a large bowl, combine the chicken thighs, liver, sweet potatoes, peas, and carrots.
  5. Add the flaxseed oil and mix thoroughly to combine all ingredients.

Daily Serving:

  • Approximately 2-4 cups per day for an average Bernese Mountain Dog, depending on their weight and activity level.

Macronutrient Composition:

  • Total Weight of Recipe: 500g
  • Protein: Chicken thighs (300g) and liver (50g) contribute to approximately 70% protein.
  • Carbs: Sweet potatoes (50g), peas (50g), and carrots (50g) contribute to approximately 30% carbs.
  • Fats: Flaxseed oil and natural fats from the chicken contribute to approximately 20% fats.


  • For allergies, if chicken is a concern, consider substituting with turkey or cooked fish.
  • For sensitive stomachs, replace peas with pumpkin, which is easier on digestion.
  • For diabetes, monitor the carbohydrate content, specifically the sweet potatoes, and adjust according to your dog’s health needs.
  • For arthritis, include omega-3 supplements or a small amount of turmeric for its anti-inflammatory properties.

This recipe provides a balanced, nutritious meal that caters to the specific needs of Bernese Mountain Dogs, helping to support their overall health and vitality. Always consult with a veterinarian before making significant changes to your dog’s diet, especially if they have specific health conditions or dietary needs.

By walt

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