Homemade Dog Food Chicken With Brown Rice Recipe for Havanese

Creating a homemade dog food chicken recipe for Havanese is an excellent way to ensure your furry companion gets the best nutrition tailored to their specific needs. Havanese dogs, known for their lively and affectionate nature, often face skin and coat health issues. This homemade chicken recipe is designed to provide a balanced diet that addresses these concerns, promoting overall health and vitality.

When preparing homemade dog food, it’s crucial to follow veterinarian-recommended guidelines. This recipe adheres to the 60% protein, 20% carbs, and 20% fat ratio by weight, ensuring your Havanese receives the right nutrients. Chicken serves as a lean, high-quality protein source, while sweet potatoes and quinoa offer complex carbohydrates, and flaxseed oil provides essential fatty acids.

Homemade dog food allows pet owners to avoid the fillers and artificial additives often found in commercial options. This chicken recipe includes only fresh, wholesome ingredients, ensuring your dog gets the best possible nutrition. Additionally, it offers alternatives for special dietary considerations such as allergies, sensitive stomachs, diabetes, and arthritis, making it a versatile choice for various health needs.

For a 10-12lb. Havanese, a daily serving of this recipe would be 1/4lb. or 1/2 cup, ensuring portion control and balanced nutrition. If your dog has specific health issues or dietary needs, you can easily adjust the ingredients to accommodate them, providing a truly customized meal.

By preparing this homemade dog food chicken recipe for Havanese, you’re taking a proactive step in enhancing your pet’s health and well-being. Ensuring a balanced diet rich in essential nutrients can significantly improve your Havanese’s skin and coat health, energy levels, and overall quality of life.

For more tips on canine nutrition and to discover the “9 Super Foods For Superior Canine Health,” click here now to download the free report. Equip yourself with knowledge to keep your beloved pet healthy and happy!

Homemade Dog Food Chicken With Brown Rice Recipe for Havanese


  • Chicken Breast: 240g (60% of total weight, protein source)
  • Brown Rice: 80g (20% of total weight, carbohydrate source)
  • Olive Oil: 40g (20% of total weight, fat source)
  • Carrots: 20g (chopped, for added nutrients and fiber)
  • Spinach: 20g (chopped, for added nutrients and fiber)


  1. Cook the Chicken:
    • Boil or bake the chicken breast until fully cooked.
    • Let it cool, then chop it into small, bite-sized pieces.
  2. Prepare the Brown Rice:
    • Cook the brown rice according to the package instructions.
    • Let it cool slightly before mixing with other ingredients.
  3. Cook the Vegetables:
    • Steam the carrots and spinach until they are tender.
    • Let them cool slightly, then chop into small pieces.
  4. Combine Ingredients:
    • In a large bowl, combine the cooked chicken, brown rice, carrots, and spinach.
    • Add the olive oil and mix thoroughly to ensure even distribution.
  5. Serving Size:
    • For a 10-12lb Havanese, serve approximately 1/4lb or 1/2 cup of the prepared food daily.
    • For a 20-25lb Havanese, serve approximately 1/2lb or 1 cup daily.
    • Adjust the serving size as necessary based on your dog’s specific needs and activity level.

Alternatives for Special Considerations:

  • Allergies: If your Havanese has a chicken allergy, substitute the chicken breast with turkey or fish.
  • Sensitive Stomachs: Use white rice instead of brown rice to make the meal easier to digest.
  • Diabetes: Avoid high-carb vegetables like carrots and use low-glycemic alternatives like green beans or broccoli.
  • Arthritis: Add a small amount of fish oil or ground flaxseed to provide anti-inflammatory benefits.

Macronutrient Composition:

  • Protein: 60%
  • Carbohydrates: 20%
  • Fats: 20%

This recipe is designed to meet the specific nutritional needs of a Havanese while addressing common health concerns. Ensure that all ingredients are fresh and suitable for your dog’s dietary needs. Adjust portions and ingredients as needed to keep your pet healthy and happy.

By walt

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