homemade dog food chicken recipe for maltese

Creating a balanced and nutritious meal for your Maltese can significantly enhance their overall health and well-being. This homemade dog food chicken recipe for Maltese is designed to meet the specific nutritional needs of this breed, ensuring they receive the right balance of protein, carbs, and fats. Maltese dogs are known for their long, silky coats and energetic personalities, which require a diet rich in quality ingredients to maintain their vitality and appearance.

This recipe combines lean chicken, sweet potatoes, peas, carrots, and flaxseed oil to provide a delicious and wholesome meal for your furry friend. The chicken serves as an excellent source of protein, essential for muscle development and maintenance. Sweet potatoes and carrots offer carbohydrates and fiber, aiding in digestion and providing sustained energy. Peas add an extra protein boost and essential vitamins, while flaxseed oil contributes healthy fats that promote a shiny coat and healthy skin.

Preparing homemade dog food allows you to control the ingredients, ensuring your Maltese isn’t exposed to any harmful additives or fillers commonly found in commercial dog foods. Moreover, if your Maltese has specific dietary needs or allergies, you can easily adjust the recipe to accommodate them.

To ensure your Maltese is getting the most out of their diet, consider adding some of the 9 Super Foods For Superior Canine Health to their meals. These superfoods can offer additional health benefits and enhance the nutritional profile of their diet. You can find out more about these superfoods by clicking here.

For more tips on providing the best nutrition for your beloved pet, don’t miss out on this free report. It’s packed with valuable information that can help you ensure your dog’s diet is as beneficial as possible. Click here now to download your free copy today!

Incorporating this homemade dog food chicken recipe for Maltese into your dog’s daily routine will not only cater to their nutritional needs but also show your commitment to their health and happiness.

Homemade Dog Food Chicken Recipe for Maltese


  • 12 oz (0.75 lb) lean chicken breast (60% protein)
  • 4 oz sweet potatoes (20% carbs)
  • 4 oz carrots (20% carbs)
  • 1.5 oz chicken liver (adds protein and fats)
  • 1 tbsp flaxseed oil (fat)
  • 1/4 cup peas (carbs and protein)


  1. Prepare the Chicken:
    • Cut the lean chicken breast into small, bite-sized pieces.
    • Sauté the chicken pieces in a non-stick skillet over medium heat until fully cooked and no longer pink in the center.
  2. Cook the Vegetables:
    • Peel and dice the sweet potatoes and carrots into small chunks.
    • Steam the sweet potatoes, carrots, and peas until tender (about 10-15 minutes).
  3. Prepare the Chicken Liver:
    • Dice the chicken liver into small pieces.
    • Add the chicken liver to the skillet with the cooked chicken and sauté until fully cooked.
  4. Combine Ingredients:
    • In a large bowl, mix the cooked chicken, chicken liver, sweet potatoes, carrots, and peas.
    • Add 1 tablespoon of flaxseed oil and stir well to ensure the oil is evenly distributed.
  5. Serve:
    • Allow the food to cool to room temperature before serving to your Maltese.

Daily Serving:

  • For a Maltese weighing between 10-12 lbs, serve approximately 1/2 cup (4 oz) per day.

Alternatives for Special Considerations:

  • Allergies: Substitute sweet potatoes with quinoa or brown rice if your dog has a sensitivity to sweet potatoes.
  • Sensitive Stomachs: Use plain, boiled chicken breast without any seasoning, and replace peas with green beans.
  • Diabetes: Ensure the vegetables are low glycemic index options such as green beans and broccoli instead of sweet potatoes and carrots.
  • Arthritis: Add a pinch of turmeric to the mix for its anti-inflammatory properties.

Macronutrient Composition:

  • Protein: 60%
  • Carbohydrates: 20%
  • Fats: 20%

This homemade chicken recipe ensures your Maltese receives a balanced diet tailored to their specific needs, promoting overall health and well-being. Enjoy cooking and providing your beloved pet with a nutritious meal!

By walt

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