homemade dog food chicken recipe for bulldog

If you’re looking for a nutritious and delicious meal for your Bulldog, look no further than this homemade dog food chicken recipe for Bulldogs. Bulldogs have specific nutritional needs and are prone to certain health concerns such as hip dysplasia, skin issues, and obesity. This recipe is designed to meet those needs with a perfect balance of 60% protein, 20% carbs, and 20% fat, ensuring your Bulldog stays healthy and happy.

This recipe features lean chicken as the primary protein source, providing essential nutrients for muscle maintenance and overall health. Brown rice and sweet potatoes offer healthy carbohydrates for sustained energy, while chicken liver adds vital vitamins and minerals. Olive oil is included for its beneficial fats, promoting a healthy coat and skin. Green beans contribute additional fiber and essential vitamins, making this a well-rounded meal for your Bulldog.

Preparing homemade dog food allows you to have complete control over the ingredients, ensuring your Bulldog receives only the best quality food. It also strengthens the bond between you and your pet, as you take the time to prepare their meals with love and care.

For those who want to take their Bulldog’s diet to the next level, we highly recommend downloading our free report on 9 Super Foods For Superior Canine Health. This guide provides valuable insights into foods that can further enhance your Bulldog’s diet. Click here now to access this essential resource. This report is a must-have for any pet owner dedicated to improving their pet’s health through superior nutrition.

By incorporating this homemade dog food recipe into your Bulldog’s diet, you’re not only providing them with a tasty and balanced meal but also investing in their long-term health and happiness. Give this recipe a try and witness the positive impact it can have on your beloved Bulldog!

Homemade Dog Food Chicken Recipe With Sweet Potatoes for Bulldogs


  • 2 lbs lean chicken (60% protein)
  • 8 oz brown rice (20% carbs)
  • 8 oz sweet potatoes (20% carbs)
  • 4 oz chicken liver (adds protein and fats)
  • 2 tbsp olive oil (fat)
  • 1 cup green beans (carbs and protein)


  1. Cook the chicken thoroughly until fully cooked and no longer pink inside. Chop into bite-sized pieces.
  2. Cook the brown rice according to package instructions.
  3. Peel and dice the sweet potatoes, then boil or steam them until tender.
  4. Sauté the chicken liver until fully cooked, then chop finely.
  5. Steam the green beans until tender.
  6. In a large bowl, combine the chicken, rice, sweet potatoes, chicken liver, and green beans. Mix well.
  7. Drizzle the olive oil over the mixture and stir to ensure everything is well coated.

Macronutrient Composition:

  • Protein: 60%
  • Carbs: 20%
  • Fats: 20%

Daily Serving Size:

  • 1/4lb. or 1/2 cup: for a 10-12lb. dog
  • 1/2lb. or 1 cup: for a 20-25lb. dog
  • 1lb. or 2 cups: for a 40-50lb. dog
  • 2lbs. or 4 cups: for a 100lb. dog

Alternatives for Special Considerations:

  • Allergies: Replace chicken with turkey or lean beef.
  • Sensitive Stomachs: Use white rice instead of brown rice.
  • Diabetes: Substitute sweet potatoes with butternut squash.
  • Arthritis: Add 1 tsp of turmeric powder to the recipe for its anti-inflammatory properties.

By walt

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